Freelancers will register as verified or nonverified users.
The companies can browse the freelancer categories or pages to see whom they can hire by seeing the freelancers contact details…phone numbers and email or address to contact their freelancers of choices.
Freelancers who is verified and is a paid membership plan users. can browse jobs that companies etc put out on our website ….and they can also see phone numbers …email and address of the companies to contact the companies of their choices.
You can SEARCH by JOB TITLES, COUNTRIES, NAMES from the search bar.
You can also change SHOW ENTRIES from 10 – 100 entries of how many freelancers you can VIEW etc.freelancers of choices.
The first month is FREE but after that the Freelancers are asked or obligated to pay $10 usa dollars per month to be able to use our FREELANCER SPECIALIST AND JOB LIST PLATFORM.