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Trademarks and Copyright Ownership

Any kind of information that is displayed on our website, including images, content, or videos are property of EQUIPDOM.COM. This information should not be copied, used, reproduced in any way without company’s written permission. The company may take legal action in case we find any illegal use of the information posted on our website. The sellers must own the copyrights for the images or text used in their ads. You are not allowed to post someone else’s content. In case a copyright infringement is charged, the sellers understand that EQUIPDOM.COM is not liable for it and all the actions will be taken against sellers only.


The users agree to use this website at their own risk. No guarantee or warranty of any kind is provided by the company. There might be some inaccuracies on the website including content, images, services, and descriptions. The company does not provide any liability for any service or product purchased from third parties which might be promoted on our website. The company does not monitor any services offered by those third party services and they might have their own terms and conditions so a user should properly research before purchasing any services from them. The company is not responsible for any kind of damages caused by the use of this website (such as malware, bugs, viruses, unauthorized access etc). is not an equipment / spare parts or engine supplier, but only a marketplace where sellers and buyers can conduct transactions. We disclaim all warranties.

This is important - please read

This website requires consideration for and as a condition of allowing you access. Reading and accepting the “Terms of use” and reading and accepting the provisions of the “Privacy Policy” of this website are required considerations for the website granting you the right to visit, read or interact with it.

All persons are denied access to this site unless they read and accept the “Terms of use” and the “Privacy Policy”.

By viewing, visiting, using, or interacting with this website or with any banner, pop-up, or advertising that appears on it, you are agreeing to all the provisions of this Terms of use Policy and the Privacy Policy of this website.

This website reserves the right to deny access to any person or viewer for any reason. Under the terms of the Privacy Policy , which you accept as a condition for viewing, the website is allowed to collect and store data and information for the purpose of exclusion and for many other uses.

The Terms of use agreement may change from time to time. Visitors have an affirmative duty, as part of the consideration for permission to view this website, to keep themselves informed of changes.

  • EQUIPDOM.COM Website: STAKEHOLDER MEDIA Private Limited is the company that owns and operates the network of sites, which includes this site.
  • Website Content: Any information and/or data published at the website is website content. This may include, but is not limited to, its design, layout, text, images, graphics, video, web pages, hyperlinks, data posted by registered or un-registered users, trade leads, buy leads, trade offers, advertisements, etc. It may be website’s content or content posted by third parties.
  • Third party content: All the content provided or submitted by users and/or contributed by anonymous users or paid content providers at our website is termed as Third Party Content. This includes, but is not limited to, Company name, address, contact details, company profile information, trade leads, buy leads, catalogs, inquiries, paid write-ups.
  • Visitors: Persons who visit or view this website, whether intentionally or unintentionally, whether solicited or unsolicited, are described herein as “Visitors”.
  • Subscribers: Subscribers to lists or Newsletters are referred to herein as “Subscribers”.
  • Registered Members: Registration means that the Visitor takes active, positive steps to communicate information to this website. Visitors or companies who voluntarily create their profile at this website having their unique LOGIN are termed as Registered Members.
  • Paid Members: Registered Members whose payment is accepted by this website are termed as Paid Members. Merely paying at our website is not enough; if this website doesn’t accept the payment, a registered member can’t be termed as Paid Member. After expiry of term of subscription, a paid member becomes Registered Member, if he does not renew his membership.
  • Services: Any service or subscription offered or provided by this website, right to view or visit provided by this website are collectively termed as Services.
  • Users: Registered Members, Paid Members and Visitors are collectively referred to as “User” and/or “Users”. It also includes the business entities that can enter into a contract.
  • Verified: The “Verified” stamp visible on Buying Leads or RFQs signifies that personnel from this Website have called the Lead owner and spoken to him/her to confirm his/her buying intent. It should not be misconstrued as a stamp-of-approval nor a certificate from this Website towards the authenticity of the Lead Poster. Users are still advised to conduct sufficient and necessary due diligence on the Lead Poster before transacting business with them.
  • Agreement: This Term of Use will be referred to as “Agreement”.
  • This website is a just a web-based platform whereby users interact with each other at or through the website. Website has no direct or indirect role to play between different users or their terms and conditions of any negotiation/ sales/ purchase/ dealings.
  • This agreement does not create any form of partnership, joint venture, agency, franchiser-franchisee, employer-employee and/or buyer-seller relationship between any user and the website.
  • The headings given in this agreement are for the purpose of Reference only and in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of such section.
Parties to the Terms of Agreement
  • This agreement is intended to cover all users to this website, all subscribers to lists or newsletters whether paid or unpaid, or affiliates whether paid or unpaid.
User Eligibility
  • Only those Users who have attained the age of entering into a legal contract with others are allowed to visit and use this website. By using this website, it is assumed that a user is competent to form legally binding contract under applicable laws of his native country.
  • This website reserves right to deny access to any user for any reason. Further this website can grant differential access with different rights to different users.
Specific Services with separate Terms of Use
  • If any provision of the terms of use and/or Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall remain valid and be enforced.
  • If any provision of this agreement is in conflict with any specific provision of other written agreement by this website with any user, then the provisions of the said other agreement will override the provisions of this agreement and the remaining provisions of this agreement will remain valid and enforceable.
Posting Information on Website
  • Users agree, as a condition of viewing, that any information relating thereto will be publicly available at the website for viewing by any one who visits or uses Website. Any information submitted by User shall become the exclusive property of the Website and may be used, without further permission, for commercial use without additional consideration of any kind. User agrees to only communicate that information to the Website, which it wishes to forever allow the Website to use in any manner as it sees fit, whether publicly or otherwise. User cannot claim any rights including copyrights on such information.
  • All Users hereby warrant and agree that information submitted to this website will not:
  • Violate any applicable law, statute, or regulation;
  • Contain fraudulent information or make fraudulent offers;
  • Be part of a scheme to defraud other Users of the web site or for any other unlawful purpose;
  • Be defamatory, libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing;
  • Be obscene or contain or infer any pornography or sex-related merchandising or any other content or otherwise promotes sexually explicit materials or is otherwise harmful to minors;
  • Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;
  • Contain any material that constitutes unauthorized advertising or harassment (including but not limited to spamming), invades anyone’s privacy or encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law or regulation;
  • Solicit business from any User in connection with a commercial activity that competes with this website; Contain any computer viruses or other destructive devices and codes that have the effect of damaging, interfering with, intercepting or expropriating any software or hardware system, data or personal information;
  • Link directly or indirectly to or include descriptions of goods or services that are prohibited under the prevailing law; or
  • Otherwise create any liability for this website or its affiliates.
  • All Users are hereby prohibited from submitting the information to other users, which is not related to such recipient users. This includes, but is not limited to posting un-related inquiries, trade offers, communication.
  • Any information submitted by user that violates this agreement may result in action against the said user, which includes but is not limited to, removing user from database, blocking his communications, termination of services.
Information Published on the Website
  • The website disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of the content of this website. Users assume all the risk of viewing, reading, using, or relying upon this information. Users have no right to rely on any information contained herein as accurate. The website makes no such warranty.
  • This site reserves the right not to publish any information submitted by users in its sole discretion and users can’t claim right to get the information published at this website.
  • This site reserves the right not to publish any information submitted by users in its sole discretion and users can’t claim right to get the information published at this website.
  • This website reserves the right to remove any material displayed on the website which it believes is unlawful, violates this Agreement or is otherwise found inappropriate in its opinion.
Accessing Information from the Website
  • Users agree that the data on this website can be used for finding interested counter-parties only and they have no right to use the information published at this website in a commercial manner; they have no right to broadcast it, copy it, save it, print it, sell it, or publish any portions of the content of this website.
  • Users hereby warrant and agree that information from this website will not be used to solicit business in connection with a commercial activity that competes with this website.
  • The website and its contents are owned or licensed by the website. Material contained on the website must be presumed to be proprietary and copyrighted. Users have no rights whatsoever in the site content. Use of website content for any reason is unlawful unless it is done with express contract or permission of the website.
  • The website can modify the level of access granted to the users, whether paid or free, for any content on the website, without prior notice.
  • This website reserves the right to terminate access and remove the user from its database if a user is found to be indulged in any activity that is detrimental to the interests of this website, which includes but is not limited to, fraudulent or automated access of database and/or content, accessing data from the website which is not related to user’s business profile.
  • Users are categorically prohibited from systematic or automated retrieval of content of the website to create or compile, a collection, database or directory (whether manually or through automated devices, robots or spiders).
Repeated Similar Postings
  • Posting of similar or repetitive data by user, manually or through automated means, which includes but is not limited to, company profile, buy requirements, trade leads, other offers at this website may be removed at the sole discretion of this website, without any intimation to the user.
  • User who uses this website for the purpose of SPAM messages and information to other users may be removed from our database, without any intimation to the user.
Transactions between Users
  • Users are hereby made aware that there may be risks of dealing with people acting under false pretenses at this website. Users are advised and encouraged to take due precautions while dealing with other users of the website.
  • The users acknowledge the risks of purchase and sale transactions when using the Site to conduct transactions, and that they fully assume the risks of liability or harm of any kind in connection with such transactions. Such risks shall include, but are not limited to, mis-representation of products and services, fraudulent schemes, unsatisfactory quality, failure to meet specifications, defective or dangerous products, unlawful products, delay or default in delivery or payment, cost mis-calculations, breach of warranty, breach of contract and transportation accidents.
Third Party Links - Read Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
  • This website may provide hyperlinks, which takes user to content, products and/or services offered by third parties, like websites of our member companies, etc. User is assumed to read such sites’ privacy policies, terms of use and/or terms and conditions before using such sites. This website has no control over such third party’s websites and we are not responsible or liable to anyone for such websites, or their content, products or services.
  • By providing information to this website that forms the basis of communication with user, such as an email address, user waive all rights to file complaints concerning unsolicited email or Spam from this website since, by providing such information, user agree to receive communication from this website.
  • By providing information to this website, user also agree to receive communication and/or offers from other users through this website.
  • User has the right to notify the website that he no longer wish to receive solicitations or information from the website or its other users and his name will be removed from the general solicitation database, which means he will be UNSUBSCRIBED from this site’s general solicitation database.
  • When a user notifies this website about his desire to UNSUBSCRIBE from general solicitation database, this website will take step to remove such user from its database within 7 (Seven) working days and all correspondence from this website will be stopped within 15 (Fifteen) working days of receipt of the notification from such user.
  • Unsubscribe from general solicitation database will result in complete cessation of services from this site, which includes but is not limited to, getting buy leads, intimation about services, communication from this site and other users.
Fraudulent Activities
  • This website has a zero tolerance policy towards fraudsters and scammers. As such, if it comes to the notice of this website that a user is running fraudulent schemes or harvesting email addresses of other users and/or members to send spam into their mail boxes, such user’s account will be immediately suspended and no refund will be issued for unused portions the membership under any circumstances whatsoever.
  • This website also has a zero tolerance policy towards users / people who use the chat facility provided at this website to provoke other members or use obscenities in their communication. As such, if it comes to the notice of this website that a user is abusing other users and/or members or making sexual innuendos against others, the offending user’s account will be immediately suspended and no refund will be issued for unused portions the membership under any circumstances whatsoever.
Special note on 419 / Lottery / Advance Fee / Sample scams
  • This website endeavors to block access to users / individuals who indulge in the above mentioned activities by relying on intelligence gathered from third party service providers who are experts on Internet security. Therefore, access to this website is blocked to regions of the world where this kind of fraud originates from most of the time. The list of blocked IP addresses is dynamic and changes from time to time. Therefore, if a user / member encounters a “403- Forbidden and access is denied” error message, it means that the IP address from which his connection is originating has been designated as high risk by our security partner and his access is “temporarily” blocked. Users/Members are advised to check their access to the site before making any payment towards premium membership at this website.
  • Additionally, if such a perpetrator of fraud is found to be active on this site, this site will immediately ban such a user from using the services offered as a part of membership.
  • This website does not assume any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage caused to the users and/or members by any such fake individual posing as a buyer or supplier.
Delivery Policy
  • On activation of subscription or membership, all the services by this website are started online. Thus delivery of the services by this website is completely online. A user, subscriber or member can start using all the services provided by this website instantly on activation of membership. This site is delivering its services to its clients through online medium like Internet and email only.
Refund and Cancellation Policy
  • This website is engaged in an online-information business. The services referenced herein are delivered online only. Website assumes that on activation of membership, the entire amount of subscription charges or membership fee is consumed; though the website is assumed to provide service to the User for the period of contract. User accepts that when this site activates the membership to the user on receipt of fee, all inquires (with complete contact details thereof) related to the user, are released to the User. User expressly understands and accepts that once membership is activated and/or inquires are released, the user has started using services offered by this website and money paid for such services cannot be claimed as refund.
  • Before the membership is activated by this website, the user or subscriber can claim cancellation and refund by the following ways only:
  • i. For credit card transactions, the user or subscriber can email this website his intention for cancellation of his membership or paid subscription. On receipt of such cancellation request, this website will cancel the transaction and such transaction will not be charged to the credit card holder. In case the transaction has already been authorized, this website will refund the amount authorized by such transaction within 7 working days of receipt of request for cancellation of paid subscription. Credit card payment gateways may take their own additional time depending upon their internal procedures to credit such amount to the credit card holder.
  • For cheque / demand draft payments, this website will refund the instrument to the user or subscriber if this website gets the request to cancel the transaction, before it is deposited to the bank account. If the instrument is deposited in the bank account, then this website will send the refund cheque within 7 working days of getting the credit of the said instrument in the bank account. Such refund cheque will be sent by registered post / airmail to the drawer of the instrument.
  • For foreign currency wire transfers, the user or subscriber can initiate the “Recall” request through his banking channel. On getting the request for “Recall of money”, this website will approve the transaction reversal within 7 working days of getting such request from its bank.
Refund And Cancellation Policy
  • The Features And Services On This Website Are Provided On An “As Is” And “As Available” Basis, And This Website Hereby Expressly Disclaims Any And All Warranties, Express Or Implied, Including But Not Limited To Any Warranties Of Condition, Quality, Durability, Performance, Accuracy, Reliability, Merchantability Or Fitness For A Particular Purpose. All Such Warranties, Representations, Conditions, Undertakings And Terms Are Hereby Excluded.
  • This Website Makes No Representations Or Warranties About The Validity, Accuracy, Correctness, Reliability, Quality, Stability, Completeness Or Currentness Of Any Information Provided On Or Through The Site.
  • The website assumes no responsibility for damage to computers or software of the user or any person the user subsequently communicates with from corrupting code or data that is inadvertently passed to the user’s computer. Again, user views and interacts with this site, or banners or pop-ups or advertisements displayed thereon, at his own risk.
  • User downloads information from this site at this own risk. Website makes no warranty that downloads are free of corrupting computer codes, including, but not limited to, viruses and worms.
  • By viewing, using, or interacting in any manner with this site, including banners, advertising, or pop-ups, downloads, and as a condition of the website to allow his lawful viewing, User forever waives all right to claims of damage of any and all description based on any causal factor resulting in any possible harm, no matter how heinous or extensive, whether physical or emotional, foreseeable or unforeseeable, whether personal or business in nature.
  • User waives all right to claims of damage if, for any reason, this site is not working temporarily, and showing errors, which includes but is not limited to, “Site Not Working”, “Portions Not Available”, “Database Error”, etc.
  • User warrants an understanding, as required consideration, that this website disclaims all liability resulting from use or installation or reliance upon its services for any reason. User understands that THIS WEBSITE disclaims liability for any information contained in sales or promotional materials of its users or the product itself that is unintentionally misleading or incorrect that might cause damage to the User. User expressly agrees that no matter what may happen because of his or her use of the services of this website, or no matter what damage may be allegedly or actually caused by the use of this website, or no matter the harm or damage that may result directly or indirectly from the use of this website, for any reason whatsoever, that the absolute maximum extent of THIS SITE’S liability shall be an amount no greater than USD 10 (US DOLLARS TEN ONLY).
  • Specific Disclaimers as to 'Results Claims', 'Income Claims', or 'Earnings Claims’ in Sales and Promotional Materials or Success Stories
  • If claims about results from using this service or if claims about income or earnings resulting from the use of this service are made (like success stories, happy customers, etc.), such claims are true for the persons who made the claims, including claims made by this website about its own experience. However, User cannot simply rely on these statements as being duplicable by User because many factors affect results, including just dumb luck. Nothing promoted on this website should be construed as a ‘Get rich quick’ scheme. The income and earnings statements, if any, tend to reflect the more successful cases and User should not construe this as being the ‘average’ or usual success story.
  • If the User is subscribing to the paid membership or a service that claims to produce specific benefits or results or that otherwise involves a recurring fee, the User has a right to terminate the membership or service upon notice to this website. As explained under REFUND POLICY clause, in such a case, no money will be refunded to User.
  • User agrees that in the event he causes damage of any nature, which the Website is required to pay for, the User, as a condition of viewing, promises to reimburse the Website for all.
Intellectual Property rights
  • STAKEHOLDER MEDIA Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as EQUIPDOM.COM ) is the sole owner or lawful licensee of all the rights to the website and its content. The website content embodies trade secrets and intellectual property rights protected under worldwide copyright and other laws. All title, ownership and intellectual property rights in the web site and its content shall remain with EQUIPDOM.COM, its affiliates or licensor’s of EQUIPDOM.COM content, as the case may be.
  • All rights, not otherwise claimed under this agreement, are hereby reserved. The information contained in this web site is intended, solely to provide general information for the personal use of the reader, who accepts full responsibility for its use.
  • All content on this web site is the copyright of EQUIPDOM.COM except the third party content and link to third party web site on our website.
Privacy Policy Accepted
  • User expressly accepts the terms of the privacy policy of this website.
  • This Agreement cannot be modified in any manner between the Paid Members and this website unless modifications are made in writing signed by both parties. However, the website may modify this Agreement at any time for other users without notice to the instant user. This agreement was last modified on 15-JANUARY-2017.
Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
  • If any matter concerning this agreement shall be brought before a court of law, user agrees to that the sole and proper jurisdiction to be the state of THE NETHERLANDS. User agrees that the applicable law to be applied shall, in all cases, be that of the NETHERLANDS COURT.
In connection with using or accessing the Services you will not: Using EQUIPDOM.COM
  • post, list or upload content or items in inappropriate categories or areas on our sites;
  • breach or circumvent any laws, third-party rights or our systems, policies, or determinations of your account status;
  • use our Services if you are not able to form legally binding contracts (for example, if you are under 18 years old), or are temporarily or indefinitely suspended from using our sites, services, applications or tools;
  • fail to pay for items purchased by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an EQUIPDOM.COM policy, for example, the seller has materially changed the item’s description after you bid, a clear typographical error is made, or you cannot contact the seller.
  • fail to deliver items sold by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an EQUIPDOM.COM policy, for example, the buyer fails to comply with the posted terms in your listing or you cannot contact the buyer;
  • manipulate the price of any item or interfere with any other user’s listings;
  • post false, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, defamatory, or libelous content;
  • take any action that may undermine the feedback or ratings systems.
  • transfer your EQUIPDOM.COM account (including Feedback) and user ID to another party without our consent;
  • distribute or post spam, unsolicited or bulk electronic communications, chain letters, or pyramid schemes;
  • distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm EQUIPDOM.COM or the interests or property of users;
  • use any robot, spider, scraper, data mining tools, data gathering and extraction tools, or other automated means to access our Services for any purpose, except with the prior express permission of EQUIPDOM.COM he working of our Services, or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;
  • export or re-export any EQUIPDOM.COM application or tool, except in compliance with the export control laws of any relevant jurisdictions and in accordance with posted rules and restrictions;
  • infringe the copyright, trademark, patent, publicity, moral, database, and/or other intellectual property rights (collectively, “Intellectual Property Rights”) that belong to or are licensed to EQUIPDOM.COM. Some, but not all, actions that may constitute infringement are reproducing, performing, displaying, distributing, copying, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or preparing derivative works from content that belongs to EQUIPDOM.COM or someone else;
  • infringe any Intellectual Property Rights that belong to third parties affected by your use of the Services or post content that does not belongs to you;
  • commercialize any EQUIPDOM.COM application or any information or software associated with such application, except with the prior express permission of EQUIPDOM.COM;
  • harvest or otherwise collect information about users without their consent; or
  • circumvent any technical measures we use to provide the Services.

If we believe you are abusing EQUIPDOM.COM in any way, we may, in our sole discretion and without limiting other remedies, limit, suspend, or terminate your user account(s) and access to our Services, delay or remove hosted content, remove any special status associated with your account(s), remove and demote listings, reduce or eliminate any discounts, and take technical and/or legal steps to prevent you from using our Services.

We may cancel unconfirmed accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a long time or modify or discontinue our Services. Additionally, we reserve the right to refuse or terminate all or part of our Services to anyone for any reason at our discretion.

Policy Enforcement

When a buyer or seller issue arises, we may consider the user’s performance history and the specific circumstances in applying our policies. We may choose to be more lenient with policy enforcement in an effort to do the right thing for both buyers and sellers.


The fees we charge for using our Services are listed on our Standard Selling Fees page. We may change our seller fees from time to time by posting the changes on the EQUIPDOM.COM site 14 days in advance, but with no advance notice required for temporary promotions or any changes that result in the reduction of fees.

You must have a payment method on file when selling on EQUIPDOM.COM and pay all fees and applicable taxes associated with our Services by the payment due date. If your payment method fails or your account is past due, we may collect fees owed by charging other payment methods on file with us.

Listing Conditions
When listing an item, you agree to comply with EQUIPDOM.COM Rule for selling and Selling Practices policy and that:
  • You are responsible for the accuracy and content of the listing and item offered;
  • Your listing may not be immediately searchable by keyword or category for several hours (or up to 24 hours in some circumstances). EQUIPDOM.COM can’t guarantee exact listing durations;
  • Content that violates any of EQUIPDOM.COM policies may be deleted at EQUIPDOM.COM discretion;
  • We strive to create a marketplace where buyers find what they are looking for. Therefore, the appearance or placement of listings in search and browse results will depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to:
  • buyer’s location, search query, browsing site, and history;
  • item’s location, listing format, price and shipping cost, terms of service, end time, history, and relevance to the user query;
  • seller’s history, including listing practices, Detailed Seller Ratings, EQUIPDOM.COM policy compliance, Feedback, and defect rate; and
  • number of listings matching the buyer’s query.
  • To drive a positive user experience, a listing may not appear in some search and browse results regardless of the sort order chosen by the buyer.
  • Some advanced listing upgrades will only be visible on certain Services.
Purchase Conditions
  • When buying an item, you agree to the rules for buyers and that:
  • You are responsible for reading the full item listing before making a bid or commitment to buy.
  • You enter into a legally binding contract to purchase an item when you commit to buy an item or if you have the winning bid (or your bid is otherwise accepted).
  • For motor vehicles and real estate, a bid or offer initiates a non-binding transaction representing a buyer’s serious expression of interest in buying the seller’s item and does not create a formal contract between the buyer and the seller.
  • We do not transfer legal ownership of items from the seller to the buyer.
International Buying and Selling; Translation

Many of our Services are accessible to international sellers and buyers. We may offer certain programs, tools, and site experiences of particular interest to international sellers and buyers, such as estimated local currency conversion and international shipping calculation tools. Sellers and buyers are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations applicable to the international sale, purchase, and shipment of items. If you purchase an item on an EQUIPDOM.COM site other than EQUIPDOM.COM, you are subject to the User Agreement of that other EQUIPDOM.COM site with respect to that particular purchase.

You may list your items directly on one or more of EQUIPDOM.COM. Additionally, you may direct us to display your listing on EQUIPDOM.COM other than the original EQUIPDOM.COM listing site, including where you choose to list an item with an international shipping option. When you sell your items internationally, you agree to be subject to that other site’s User Agreement, policies, and the EQUIPDOM.COM Selling Policy. You may restrict international buyers from purchasing your items if you explicitly exclude international shipping from your listings and apply an exclusion list to your listings.

You authorize us to use automated tools to translate your EQUIPDOM.COM content and member-to-member communications, in whole or in part, into local languages where such translation solutions are available. We may provide you with tools which will enable you to translate content at your request. The accuracy and availability of any translation are not guaranteed.


When providing content using the Services (directly or indirectly), you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise any and all Intellectual Property Rights (as defined above) you have in that content in connection with our provision, expansion, and promotion of the Services, in any media known now or developed in the future. To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your right to enforce against EQUIPDOM.COM, our assignees, our sublicensees, and their assignees your Intellectual Property Rights in that content in connection with our, those assignees’, and those sublicensees’ use of that content.

You represent and warrant that, for all such content you provide, you own or otherwise control all necessary rights to do so and to meet your obligations under this Agreement. You represent and warrant that such content is accurate. You represent and warrant that use of any such content (including derivative works) by us, our users, or others in contract with us, and in compliance with this Agreement, does not and will not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party. EQUIPDOM.COM takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content provided by you or any third party.

The name ” EQUIPDOM.COM ” and other EQUIPDOM.COM marks, logos, designs, and phrases that we use in connection with our Services are trademarks, service marks, or trade dress of EQUIPDOM.COM in the Netherlands and other countries. They may not be used without the express written prior permission of EQUIPDOM.COM. A non-exhaustive list of our trademarks and the policy governing their use is available here.


This site uses cookies to deliver our services and to show you relevant ads and job listings. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy